A place for drunkards to vent their unrepressed drunk souls without fear of retribution or a spanking.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Holy peanuts, Batman!

I need to get drunk.
The kind of drunk where I am no longer responsible for my actions.
The kind of drunk where someone has to get me home, undress me-except for my panties, because I will have already lost them, and put me to bed. And hey, they may as well go ahead and lose their panties in the process. I won't be gender specific at that stage of drunkenness. ;)

That is all.


Blogger Cie Cheesemeister said...

I can't get drunk that way anymore. Damn bipolar disorder! Damn aging liver! Although I remember plenty of times when I did. However, if the person that threw me into my bed was a chick, they damn well better keep their panties on. And thank the Holy the one time I woke up with a horrible sight of a dude next to me, we were both still fully clothed!

6:49 AM


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