Woo Hoo!
I just lost 3 lbs...I will celebrate by drinking that much in beer and wine tonight!
Yes, good plan...
But wait...which is it...
Beer then wine, always fine...
or Wine then beer, never...no, don't know that one...
Liquor then beer, never fear...
Beer then liquor, never sicker...
But, what about wine and beer...can you mix?
Beer before wine makes you feel fine.
Wine before beer makes you feel queer.
I still can't find my bra.
3:44 PM
Beer before liquor, never sicker.
Liquor before beer, never fear.
So, what happens if you drink them both at the same time a la "Flaming Dr. Pepper"?
7:15 PM
I can never remember either. Beer before wine, mighty fine? I'm fucked if that's the case because I only want beer after I'm drunk.* Then there is wine before beer, never fear. I think it doesn't matter the order; as long as you drink enough to get sick.
12:33 AM
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