A place for drunkards to vent their unrepressed drunk souls without fear of retribution or a spanking.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Hungover thoughts of a Private Man

Quote for the Day:
Work is the curse of the drinking classes.
Oscar Wilde, In Life of Oscar Wilde, H. Pearson
Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900)

On Drunk Thought:
Every now and then I am surprised by the thoughts my friends and I come up with when we are drunk. Last night three of us spent 4 hours and numerous shots, to develop a business plan that involved raising captive bats for their milk.

Middle age sucks, I kind of long for they days when all we wanted to do was get drunk and pick up the easy girls at the local roadhouses.

Pet Peeve:
Ok, my office just happens to be across the street from my favorite bar, so what’s the problem you may ask? Well, dear friend…some mornings walking form my assigned parking place to the building is like navigating a mine field.

What ever happened to the old days when if you had to toss, you went someplace like a dieing animal and did it where no one could see you, and if asked about your disappearance you could say “no man, I wasn’t throwing up, I was just pissing”. …damn, I hate starting my morning by stepping into some one else’s puke.

I remain,

JQP esq.


Blogger John Q. Public esq. said...

well, I found something worst, setting in your own after you forgot you pucked all over your parking space last Friday. Come on rain...

11:24 AM


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