A place for drunkards to vent their unrepressed drunk souls without fear of retribution or a spanking.

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Piss Drunk by 6PM,

My Life Coach said I should set goals.

Today’s thought:
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.
Ernest HemingwayUS author & journalist (1899 - 1961)

Drinking On No-Love Thursday:
Well it’s Veteran’s Day and I plan to go to the bars after work and show my scar, with any luck I should get a few free drinks and perhaps lucky (it’s a circumcision scar, but hey I got it when I was in the Army, sadly however I do miss the turtle-neck).

Drinking and the Weather; a Correlation,
What else is one to do in this god-forsaken state? Its flat, its grey, and its cold, and its only going to increase in severity until the end of May.

Drinking you say?
When I was younger we used to go out on days like today and get falling down drunk, perhaps meet some women of questionable virtue and/or get into a fight or two.

Drinking and “Thirtysomethings”:
Things have changed, I don’t start my night at 9 or 10 anymore, hell most nights I am asleep by then, as for those women of questionable virtue; now its more along the lines of “hey fucker that’s my wife, watch what you say”. For the fighting, well these days the guys who want to fight are all in there early 20’s and work out at some gym, and I don’t heal as quickly as I used to. I also gave up rugby for many of the same reasons, that and it sucks to teach a class with two black eyes. Not to mention those criminal charges seems to follow you around long after you have paid your debit to society. But the biggest reason I know things have changed is that now hangovers last 3 days. Yes three days, if you don’t believe me wait till you hit your mid-thirties, you will see what I mean. God, I used to close a bar and be at work the next morning, looking forward to the next night out. Now I would rather someone drag me out on the front yard and shoot me.

Drinking and Medicine:
Drinking has been a factor in my three most recent visits to ER, but don’t worry I am on staff there. But one thing I have learned is that you don’t want to have you name in the paper along with the statement “…alcohol is believed to have been a factor”

The Moral:
Which leaves me with my message, moderation is the key even when hard charging. And if you figure out that balance let me know.

The News:
Friends don’t let friends fire drunkTaking to heart the credo that friends should never let friends drive drunk, a man in Bloomington shot out two tires on his friend’s car to keep him from driving under the influence.Alas, the move backfired when the incensed driver got out of his car, pulled a knife and attacked his friend, according to a report by Bloomington police.Police arrested the driver, David Woodward, 39, of Indianapolis, on a preliminary charge of battery after the fight early Sunday. Woodward could not be reached for comment Monday.Authorities said they expected to file charges within a few days against the other man, after officers found two handguns and an assault-style rifle in his home.

Todays Toast:
"Here's to beefsteak when you're hungry, Whiskey when you're dry, All the girls you ever want, And heaven when you die." as told to me by my dear old grandpa...

Happy VD everyone…




Blogger John Q. Public esq. said...

well this was my first, how did I do? I didnt let down the team did I coach?

2:55 PM

Blogger Beth said...

*pats you on the butt*

Job well done!

Hmm..what a nice bum you have there... *eyes it...gropes it* ;-p

3:18 PM

Blogger John Q. Public esq. said...

keep it up and I might show you the scar I got in the Army...

its always nice to be felt-up...


3:34 PM


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